Marti Hubbard, Graduate Gemologist, G.I.A.
Master Gemologist Appraiser®A.S.A.
About Appraisals
What Is The Procedure For An Appraisal?
First, make an appointment to bring in your jewelry and be sure to bring along any paperwork that you might have such as receipts and previous appraisals. Previous appraisals are particularly useful because the actual total weights of smaller stones may have been noted, which aids in determining a more accurate value. Smaller stones are not removed during the appraisal process.
How Do I Choose An Appraiser?
A jewelry appraiser should be a Graduate Gemologist, (GG) of the Gemological Institute of American (GIA). The first part of an appraisal includes correctly identifying and grading gem materials which the GIA training for a gemologist provides. A jewelry appraiser should affiliate himself with an appraisal organization such as: the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) or the National Association of Jewelry Appraisers (NAJA). These organizations provide ongoing and current training in appropriate market levels in order to determine the correct value for the type of appraisal required.
Why Should I Have My Jewelry Appraised?
With an appraisal you have proof that the jewelry item existed - regardless of whether or not the item is insured; however an appraisal is necessary in order to obtain insurance for your jewelry items. Most homeowner's policies only cover up to $2,500 without a specific rider. IT IS HIGHLY UNETHICAL FOR AN APPRAISAL FEE TO BE BASED ON A PERCENTAGE OF THE VALUE OF THE ITEMS because this method could potentially sway the appraiser to increase the actual cost of the appraisal and the value of the items appraised. An appraisal can facilitate the settlement of an estate or the division of property in a divorce. Also, an appraisal provides you with a record of your jewelry items and proof of ownership.
How Often Should I Have My Jewelry Appraised?
In general, most insurance companies recommend that you have your jewelry appraised every three to five years.
  Appraisals of Jewelry by Marti, LLC

By Appointment Only

  Phone: 520-400-8586